Many of my customer inquire about the Norwex Body Scrub Mitt, so thought I'd share…
All good? Norwex Cleaners sure are!
What is in a cleaner? Let me tell you – there is SOOO MUCH! In some, there is so much GOOD in our Norwex Specialty Cleaners! (And you must know, in the “other” cleaners on the market and on the store shelves, there is SO much bad.) Ignorance is NOT bliss here. Be aware of what you’re bringing into your home. Let’s get into what is so GOOD about some of our Norwex Cleaners!
Norwex Cleaners for the win… again & again!
Oven and Grill Cleaner
First up, is the one I didn’t think I’d need… OVEN And GRILL CLEANER. Well, this one, and the Sportzyme, if I am being honest. I was super skeptical about this product, as I was wondering how on earth is this product going to clean my burnt-on dirty oven and grill with no harsh chemicals. There is NO WAY that is going to happen. What I forgot – was that the OVEN and GRILL CLEANER has the power PacMan enzymes.
The OVEN and GRILL CLEANER truly gets in there and breaks down all that baked over-and-over food spills or overly greasy messes and with a few sprays breaks it all down into a manageable, wipeable mess. AND MY FAVORITE PART – no strong chemical fumes!!! (Did you know that “traditional” oven cleaners are one of the harshest chemicals in most average homes? And… if you read your self-cleaning oven instructions, it will often say that pets such as birds should not be exposed to the fumes given off during the self-cleaning cycle… if it’s not good for small pets, perhaps it is not good for us?)
Norwex Cleaners: Cleaning Ovens and Grills with Enzyme Power!
I also love that by using the same product, I was able to spray my greasy oven door and clean that also. It was very convenient. My husband was a nonbeliever, even though I told him it would work. He had to try it on our outdoor grill. And, JUST LIKE I TOLD HIM….it totally worked. No fumes. No harmful chemical residue left behind on the grill. To me, this turned out to be a win-win, as I can now clean my kitchen without opening all my windows and pushing my family out of the house for a few hours while the chemical fumes all dissipate into the air around us. Personally, I like to pair the Oven & Grill Cleaner with our little power-packed stainless steel scrubbers, the Spirinetts. The Spirisponge (a customer favorite) also pairs well.
Please know, that cleaning both of these with the OVEN AND GRILL Cleaner, did also require a bit of elbow grease…. make sure you follow the instructions. It is currently $31.99 for a 12 fl. Oz bottle with spray top in the Fall 2022 catalog.
Mattress Cleaner
Keeping on track with our PacMan Cleaners, the next one I want to bring up in the Norwex Mattress Cleaner.
Everyone is a bit different on how often they use the Mattress Cleaner. Some of my customers spritz the mattress and pillows each time they wash sheets, but honestly, doing it every 3 months or so is good for most households. If you have a lot of pets (and animal dander, etc), then you may lean toward doing it more often.
This enzyme-based cleaner helps keep dust mites and all other organic materials at bay from my mattress. As soon as I remove my sheets I spray Norwex Mattress Cleaner directly on my mattress. While my sheets are washing, the PacMan enzyme cleaners go to work and remove as much pet dander, body oils and so much more. It is one of the simplest products to use that we have and does the most work.
How to clean mattresses, pillows, stuffed animals
After I spray, I let it sit on my mattress for the duration of my wash and dryer, and maybe an extra hour or two…. depending if I remember whether I put my sheets in the wash or not…hahaha. The product instructions say to let it set for four hours, so that’s. a great reason to justify not getting the bed made right away! LOL
Once my sheets are done, I have peace of mind when I put them back on my bed that I am sleeping on a clean mattress and pillow, while not harming my skin. I have also used this on fabric couches (not leather), dog beds, draperies, and stuffed animals. NOTE: do not use this on foam mattresses, latex, or other non-absorbent materials. The Norwex Mattress Cleaner is also dermatologist-tested and is good on all skin types.
Oh and one more thing to note. Since this has powerful enzyme action, it’s amazing for cleaning up urine accidents, wet beds, vomit, etc. And… I sometimes just spray the toilet and surrounding area about 10 minutes before going in to clean with an EnviroCloth… just sayin’!
Carpet Stain Remover
Having so many kids and pets, I really need a good Carpet Stain Remover- and this one is definitely worth its weight in gold. I think I love it. Truly. I am “floored” every time I use it. \Another of our enzyme cleaners – these PacMan really go to town and get out the toughest of stains.I have used the enzyme and microbe formula more than once on red wine, and dog urine and I am always so happy each time.
Each time, I am secretly surprised that there are no harsh chemicals in it polluting my air spaces. It is incredibly simple to use – you just spray about 4-6 inches away, let it sit for a few minutes and then gently blot with a damp Norwex Enviro Cloth. Depending on how severe your stain is, you may need to repeat. I have used it on our carpets, rugs, and upholstery – as long as they have not been sealed with Scotchgard or any other sealant.
Norwex Cleaners: Carpet Cleaning Enzymes
Also, this can be diluted (just follow instructions on label) in a carpet cleaner, and it works fabulously! It costs $31.99 for a 12 oz bottle – which I know might seem high, but I promise you will not be disappointed. The amazing, EFFECTIVE formula is worth every penny.
Raise your hand if you have TEENAGE boys!??!?! I DO!!! I DO!!! I DO!!!! We were blessed with 4 wonderful boys and I am so thankful every day for the joy they bring to our lives! In the majority of boy households, what is NOT a joy is teenage boy smell!!! From sneakers to sporting goods – teenage boy tend to bring along some odors from time to time! That is where Sportzyme comes into play…. on the daily!
Just like the Norwex Mattress Cleaner – all you do is SPRAY on the area and the amazing enzyme and biodegradable ingredient Pac Man’s break down and devour all the odor-causing particles to give them a fresh new scent. It is so fast acting and there is no chemical breakdown to hide or mask the odors – it completely removes them naturally. We have used this in everything from sneakers to sporting equipment and not once have I been disappointed. It is worth every penny of the $22.99 – especially for all the sportsters in your world. (And… it works great to freshen up a sweater that hasn’t been worn for a while, etc, too!)
Odour Eliminator Concentrate
Do you know what a Phthalate is? I can’t even say that word properly, so I for sure did not know what it was until I looked it up. A Phthalate is a chemical that helps scents last longer. Studies have shown that there are health risks when using it. I encourage you to do some google research on your own to see what they are. I am proud to say that the Norwex Odour Eliminator Concentrate is Phthalate-free.
Our concentrated formula does wonders on those lingering smells – think bathrooms, locker rooms, teenager rooms, garbage cans, and anywhere else organic scents seem to linger. The biodegradable formula is mixed with water (1:7 ratio) and then you spray in the areas you need the smells to be removed. Unlike chemical-based eliminators, the Norwex Odour Eliminator actually REMOVES the unwanted orders at their source with its PacMan enzymes rather than masking them.
Best solution for air freshening
The Crisp Linen scent helps the area smell clean, but not full of perfume. I love that it is biodegradable and that there are no harsh chemicals and that as soon as I spray it, I feel a sense of relief. I know that it is doing its job right away and actually “eating up” the smell particles in the air.
I keep a diluted spray bottle in each of the bathrooms, and I also keep the concentrate in my laundry room and have been known to “spruce” up my laundry once or twice. It’s one of those items that you really don’t know how much you will use until you actually try it. So, give it a try.
Specialty Norwex Cleaners for the WIN!

So, as you can see – there are so many GOOD Norwex Cleaners out there, and all at reasonable prices! Please give them a try, and let me know your favorites! Order online at
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