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Norwex Raw Chicken Test: Do disinfectant wipes really work? How to find out!
Norwex Raw Chicken Test: How does Norwex compare to disinfectant wipes?
The question we all ask when thinking of making the switch from more “traditional” chemical cleaners to Norwex is, “Can I really trust Norwex & water to clean our home?” This Norwex Raw Chicken Test with blacklight and test swabs will be helpful as you make that decision!
How does the Norwex EnviroCloth compare to disinfectant wipes on cleaning up raw chicken!
As you’ll learn in the video, Norwex provides a way to TRULY CLEAN without the usual chemical cleaners. I was blown away the first time I did these demos in my kitchen over 10 years ago and they gave me the confidence to clean our home with Norwex and JUST WATER. When I first did this Norwex raw chicken test, it was so confirming that these products really do what they say they do! For this reason, I am excited to share this quick video with you! In a minute, you’ll be seeing a quick test to watch how the Norwex EnviroCloth tests compared to a brand-name disinfectant wipe.
Norwex Raw Chicken Test: EnviroClothTM compared to Disinfectant Wipes
Now that you’ve watched this, you hopefully feel more equipped to “Norwex” your home with confidence! In the video, you saw the Blacklight Demo. This is a great visual for how the Norwex microfiber MECHANICALLY CLEANS, removing dirt, grease, grime, and up to 99% of bacteria from the surface. Also, you saw how the disinfectant wipe literally spread the simulated bacteria BACK onto the surface. Say what?! Imagine when you have, in the past, used a disinfectant wipe for multiple surfaces! ? Next up, you watched the test swab analysis! Were you surprised at how the disinfectant wipe performed?
Norwex removes up to 99% of bacteria from the surface, using JUST WATER, when following the proper care & use instructions! Prepare to have your world rocked by these products. You will truly wonder where they’ve been all your life!
(To better understand how the Norwex microfiber works and what makes it different from other microfibers, visit:
[…] before my next visit… do a quick lesson on how to wipe down the sink area. This magical cloth removes up to 99% of bacteria from the surfaces with JUST WATER! Leave a couple of these and at least one Window Cloth for when they’re home on a weekend and […]